Nothing says "LOOK AT ME, I'M SO IN LOVE!" than hiking a leg up on your fiance in the back of a taxi being swarmed by paps. "Look, we're so in love, come cradle my calf while we dash through traffic!"

I'd barely get away with a manoeuvre like that on the comfort of my couch, let alone in the back of a car, it would be met with a "You alright there? Is there something wrong with your cankle? Bit of a dead weight, OOOOH OH, can you shift it over slightly, quickly... no, still not comfortable" and so on. That and he too would inspect it for stubble.

Don't get me wrong, I'm very lucky to have a partner who would willingly give me a hoof massage if it didn't always result in me kicking him in the face (very ticklish feet), but limb entwining is not really something we'd do in public. Particularly as we don't quite have the limb length required.

That aside, and perhaps it's the granny in me speaking, but this just looks like something an contrived fifteen-year-old would do in front of an ex-boyfriend.

Then again, I'm a bitter ole trout.

P.S. it reportedly cost £40k. I don't get it either.