Harry Potter nerds rejoice! J. K. Rowling has penned a short story to add more to the lore of the wizardly universe. 

Rowling returned to write a short story for the website Pottermore, which sees the now adult Harry attending the quidditch World Cup final, to coincide with the real World Cup going on in Brazil at the moment. We're not sure what the crossover section on the Venn diagram of Harry Potter fans and football fans is like, but obviously big enough to justify this, it seems.

Anyway, taking on the character of gossip journalist Rita Skeeter, Rowling mentions all of the famous and favourite characters from the books, including Potter himself and Ron Weasley, not to mention the sport of quidditch, where it seems that Brazil are powerhouses of the game. 

According to BuzzFeed, Rowling stayed true to character and described everyone in Skeeter's usual style, tinged with insults and personal attacks, as well as speculation about their personal lives and marriages.

This is the first writing about the beloved Potter characters from Rowling since the end of the final book, but a spokesperson from her publisher has reassured The Bookseller that she has no plans to return to the character of Harry and produce any further material. 

Via BuzzFeed