Who did you love so much in 2013 that you'd be willing to write to Michael D. and get him to hand over a passport ASAP? And who was your favourite new girl/boy in town? Find out now.

Of course we want Jennifer Lawrence to be our Honourary Irish Citizen, taking 33% of the vote and beating the likes of the four non-Irish One Direction lads and Ron Burgundy. Who else can we rely to tell us all about her butt plugs, shitting herself, freak out about Homeland spoilers, get super competitive over nothing, and give zero f*cks at awards shows.

She is one of us.

Indeed J.Law. Indeed.


Meanwhile Jamie Dornan took the title of Irish Newcomer, and really, it's very apparent why. He's got tremendous talent.

The star of your Favourite Irish TV Show The Fall, as well as appearing in the upcoming Fifty Shades adaptation, Dornan is most definitely our favourite new kid on the block and yours too, taking a whopping 46% of the poll.

We wonder why.

And of course this sketch from the ever excellent Jennifer Maguire on The Fear came out on top of your Favourite WTF Moment, because that shit was terrifying and hilarious at the same time.