The advent of streaming services like Netflix and Amazon gave birth to the notion of 'binge watching'. 

Never before did we have the opportunity to devour every episode of a TV show's new season all at once.

However some experts are now saying that we never should have had that opportunity due to the detrimental effects watching too much TV can have on your health. The researchers from a study on TV viewing habits have found that for every extra two hours of TV watching per day, the risk of fatal pulmonary embolism was increased by 40 per cent. People who watch five or more hours of TV a day are twice as likely to die as those who limit their consumption to under 2.5 hours. 

The study was carried out in Japan where 86,000 people were observed over a long period of time. In total 59 people died of pulmonary embolism which is a serious condition that can be made worse by not moving around. 

The research was carried out long before laptops and streaming services were introduced and the researchers are concerned that the more acceptable binge watching becomes as a habit, the greater the danger the general population has of risking their health. 

Lead researcher, Professor Hiroyasu Iso has suggested that people should approach watching TV much like they would a long plane journey. 

"After an hour or so, stand up, stretch, walk around, or while you're watching TV, tense and relax your leg muscles for five minutes," he advised.

Via Independent UK