Ceardean Architects have recently completed the first home made from a housing container, and are going to donate it to the homeless in Ireland. 

It started life as a sjhipping container, but thanks to the work of Ceardean Architects and a group of plumbers, electricians and builders, it's now a home that was given to a family that really needed it in Cork just before Christmas via the St. Vincent de Paul.

The home consists of one single shipping container measuring 40-foot by 10-foot, with a 9-foot 6-inch ceiling. With the help of over 60 suppliers, who donated labour and supplies, they fitted it out with a full kitchen, bathroom and beds, as well as making a modern-looking and comfortable home that can sleep up to six people, although it is more suitable for a smaller family of about three.

Pic via jetsongreen

The finished project was on exhibit at the Irish Museum of Modern Art (IMMA), before it was given to a family to Deerpark in Co. Cork. It took three days to build in November of 2014, and cost in the region of €50,000 to make, although the architects are confident that they could lower that figure to something around the €30,000 mark. 

Pic via jetsongreen

The completed home features a a fully functional kitchen, a bathroom with a shower which is next to the bedroom, which has enough space for a bunk bed and a wardrobe. There is also a large deck and a 30-foot (9-meter) window to get as much natural light in to the home as possible. It also features solar panels to generate energy for the home and according to Derek Trenaman of Ceardean Architects, it can serve as a "prototype" to help communities come up with more affordable and sustainable ways to deal with the housing crisis. 

Via jetsongreen.com