You didn't know there was a World Cup of Crisps, did you? Well, there is.

The annual event, hosted by BBC's Richard Osman, sees the various crisps of the world pitted together in public votes to decide the world's best packet of crisps. Ireland's entry, Tayto, did wondrously well in the votes, but not enough to break out of its group.

Tayto vied for second place in Group 4 of the World Cup of Crisps, squaring off against Walkers Crisps after having lost first place to Chipsticks. The Twitter-based voting was fast and furious, with over 250,000 votes cast throughout the entire competition.

Tayto, Ireland's entry, went into a ten-minute shootout against Walkers Crisps, but was sadly knocked out by a margin of just 2%. Needless to say, Irish Twitter was unimpressed.




In fairness, we didn't even throw in Banshee Bones, Manhattan Popcorn or Meanies. All solid entries to the pantheon of Irish crisps that should have had an entry, not just a German-owned crisp.

This is a dark day for Ireland and on this weekend of all weekends. A shame, a crying shame.