A Twitter user who had very little belief in Michael Sam's ability to get the job done against Cleveland was left eating his words, and staring down the barrel of a rather large bill the next time he went to the bar. 

Michael Sam is likely to get a bit of abuse on Twitter, if the stats are to be believed, but few are likely to be as tame as Fisher King, who goes by the handle @SquareKing. He felt so confident that Michael Sam wouldn't make an impact against Cleveland in a preseason game that he sent the following tweet: 

Bad news for that man, but good news for Michael Sam soon followed, as the linebacker made a huge play and sacked Johnny Manziel aka Johnny Football, who is one of the most controversial characters in the game, despite it being just his first year in the NFL. Manziel got in a bit of hot water a while back for making the money symbol with his hands after accusations that he'd made some cash on the side selling his autographs, which is not allowed as a college player.

Sam not only got the sack, but he also decided to pull out that same sign as a little taunt, and to let Johnny Football know that he knew all about him. 

While that was funny enough, poor aul Fisher King was in a bit of shock, and now had to buy everyone in the world booze forever. That's a big bar tab.

Michael Sam found out about the offer, and decided that he'd let him off the hook, but only if he made a donation to Sam's favourite charity.

King obliged, and even sent Sam his best wishes while he was at it, donating $500 to the charity in the St. Louis area.

Still, we presume King will be inundated with requests the next time he heads to the bar with his friends on a Friday night. This is why you should always think your forfeits through, people. 

Via Deadspin