Well, there's no real shock to any of this, but here goes - men are responsible for and receive more abuse on Twitter than women.

In a study conducted by Demos at the Centre for Analysis of Social Media, it found that one in twenty messages received by male celebrities were abusive, compared to one in seventy messages received by female celebrities.

The study found that Piers Morgan received the worst amount of abuse, totalling 8.4% of comments received. 

Loudmouth former Apprentice contestant Katie Hopkins was found to be the most likely female person to received abusive comments because, let's face it, she's an awful person.

Meanwhile, our own Niall Horan of One Direction received just 25,000 abusive messages about TWELVE MILLION messages. In fact, his timeline was so friendly that he had to be removed from the study as he'd skew the figures.

The study determined that men are most likely to send abusive messages to celebrities, although it didn't go into specifics regarding their age, job descriptions and ability to form coherent sentences or basic spelling.