As lad mags go, Maxim is king, namely because they feature actual articles instead of pages of topless women pressing their boobs together. However, these articles still put priority on the female physical form rather than actual talent (where applicable). And they've got it spot on! In their recent 'Least Sexy Woman Alive' poll, Maxim announced that Sarah Jessica Parker was "the least sexy woman in a group of unsexy women." Amy Whinehouse sidled into second place, thanks to her "haemorrhaging translucent skin, rat's nest mane and lashes that look more like surgically attached bats." WOoooOooo! *hisses* Saucer of milk, sirs? Women are the bitchy ones, my HOOP... Admittedly I laughed said hoop off at that apt description but must it ALWAYS be the fillies that are put through the mill? We get enough flack off our own sex and the gays, thanks all the same. And yes, Madonna and Britney were also given a cursory nod.