The woman just doesn't know when to stop. Not content with looking unhinged on UK TV, she then thought it was a real good idea to fly stateside to claim the following on 'The Today Show', 'Good Morning America' and 'Extra' – "All I can say is when we first split, I said to Paul, 'I'm going to be crucified. You know why we split. You know the truth. They don't need to know the details, but you need to stand up and say, I'm responsible for the breakdown of this marriage. If you say that, I'll walk away with nothing, and we'll do a very gentle and quick divorce.' And he promised he'd do that. I have evidence of that. He knows I was suicidal and he did nothing... I fell in love with a man, not a Beatle. I fell in love with someone that chased me for three months and people forget he wooed me. He was a broken man when I met him. And everybody around him knows he wouldn't perform, he hadn't performed for a long time. If actually someone sat down and did their proper research and looked at the facts, I was a huge support for Paul. I put all my own work, except my charity, on hold for the seven-and-a-half years we were together... I was very passionate about the power Paul had. How could anybody have that kind of money and not do more for charity? That is what we argued about all the time." And, the icing on the big, writhing cake of bile: "Stella has done some evil, evil things. Every single week Stella tried to break up our marriage. She was so jealous. Her friend told me Stella was jealous because I would get all the planes and the diamonds. Stella wasn't interested in her dad's happiness. I can't protect her any longer." Yeeaahhh, I still find it shocking that she has in excess of 4,400 negative articles written about her...