Google has always prided itself on giving you access as much information as possible, and it seems that a medical diagnosis might be the next thing on the list. 

Despite our better judgement, we've all done it: turned to Google and searched for a symptom that we have only to find out from the internet that, of course, you're about to die in the most painful way possible from a disease you've never heard of.

Of course, while this diagnosis seems as random as one of the ones given out on House on a weekly basis, Google are worried that people are getting this (largely) false information, and they've noticed that we still seem to be searching for our symptoms online. With that in mind, Mashable are reporting that the internet giant is testing out a new feature which is being dubbed 'Google Doctor'. 

An image that surfaced on reddit showed a Google search for knee pain, and then the option to live video chat with a doctor to try and have your condition diagnosed.

A spokesperson confirmed that the company was testing out this service to "see if it's useful to people", and that it would work with their Helpouts feature, another service that's in the pipeline that would allow you to do anything from learning an instrument to taking a class in photoshop using Google and a live video stream. 

Theoretically, at least, this should cut down on the amount of people running to the doctor, convinced that they've got poor man's gout, housemaid's knee or dum-dum fever...

Via Mashable