Sheryl, we know where your ex-husband-to-be is... on tour with Iron Maiden. The story, thus far, goes something like this - Paul Gascoigne was admitted to rehab after dropping his pants in the middle of a car showroom in June. He willingly accepted love and care from his ex-wife for the duration of his treatment. This lead to talk of him moving back into her home, with a view to marriage if he remained sober. Two days after his release from rehab, Paul's holed in a hotel with his old drinking buddy, Jimmy 'Five Bellies' Gardner, and some mystery woman in her 20s, who arrived sporting a "white mini-skirt and sparkly sandals". His reunification with Five Bellies sparked a row with Sheryl, and Paul reportedly stormed out of the house saying he "needed to clear his head"... by banging it at speed, it would seem. According to a Digital Spy: "He was later spotted with Gardner in Prague, where Iron Maiden were playing. It has now been claimed that Gascoigne then followed the rockers to Croatia and plans to stick with them as the tour continues. Gazza, who was discharged from rehab last month, first made friends with the band ten years ago. 'It can't be the right environment for a bloke who has just spent two months battling booze,' a friend told the Daily Star. 'He said he needs to clear his head - but how can he do that by banging it?'"