It was just another normal day at the offices as some of the biggest names from the world of comics and superheroes invaded the offices and took over the boardroom to hold some important meetings and get to grips with the site.

Spider-man swung in to check on things (given that this is the web after all) and Leonardo from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was also in attendance, along with the Necromancer from Chronicles of Riddick. Both Alien and Predator also dropped by, and believe us, it was no mean feat to keep them from each other’s throats, so HR was working overtime on getting the lads to resolve their issues in a constructive way.

As good as xenomorphs are at scaring the life out of us in space, where no one can hear us scream, it seems that they get a few headaches as a result of our fancy technology (they’re not too up to date with social media), while it turns out that a cup of freshly brewed coffee helps to kick Predator in to gear first thing in the morning. The group somehow managed to get down to work together, but when it came to getting lunch in there was a bit of a tussle over what they’d order in, with Leo pretty insistent that it be pizza.

All in all, it was a productive day’s work for the crew, who will all be in attendance at the Dublin Comic Con on August 9th and 10th at the National Show Centre in Swords. The event will play host to a number of special guests, as well as amazing exhibitors selling hard to find collectibles and comics, not to mention some of the best cosplay you’re ever likely to witness, so head on over to the event page and grab some tickets. Don’t forget keep an eye out on for more updates too, as we’ll have the latest news about who’s in town, what to expect and all the info you’ll need about this year’s event.