All to recently we've spent out time writing about animals either doing ridiculous things or ending up in our food without our knowledge, but this time it's a lamb with a whole extra limb that's taking focus here.

A lamb was born in Morpeth, England over the weekend, and it has one extra leg smack bang on its front. The baby sheep has been named Quinto by staff at Whitehouse Farm Centre where the lamb was born.

'We've never come across anything like this before and neither has anyone we've spoken to. She's doing absolutely fine at the moment and does not appear to have suffered any adverse effects from being born with an extra leg.' said the centre manager Heather Hogarty.

'It looks like it's fully formed, although it's a bit limp in the middle of her lower body. As she was being born we just thought it was one of the front legs in an awkward position. She and her two sisters are a very healthy weight. Having five legs isn't stopping her running about even though it's about the same size as the other legs. She is definitely the most unusual birth we've had here. We've asked the vet to have a look at her and we would expect the extra leg to be amputated. But that should be straight forward and shouldn't affect her health too much.'

We're used to lambs being all cute and four-legged, but Quinto makes quite the exception.