Erin Brockovich - not Julia Roberts, the real one - has been arrested after being found drunk at the helm of a boat. And she was the one steering it. In Las Vegas.

Rumour has it she was seen to possess 'severeal signs of an intoxicated boater' (as though that's a regular thing), by a nearby woman who obviously had nothing better to do than phone the police on the 52 year old former environmental activist turned sort-of celebrity.

As per The Independent, she was then asked to take a sobriety test which she failed with flying colours; she was over twice the limit allowed on the US's drink-driving limit.

Nevada Department of Wildlife spokesman Edwin Lyngar said: "She was obviously struggling to put the boat in the slip, and if you've had any experience, it's a simple enough operation.. Too many people think drinking and boating go together. We don't have a problem if people drink. Just have a designated operator."

Can we expect a movie sequel now?