You know this page is usually reserved only for truly global celebrities, which is why you'll rarely see any mention of that rare phenomenon - the Irish celebrity. There are the few notable exceptions, however, in the shape of Colin Farrell, Johnny Logan, Dustin the Turkey… We were so enthused to learn that Dustin was spreading his star even further by attempting to represent Ireland in the 53rd Eurovision that we phoned in our support on qualifying night. So, you can imagine our joy at hearing Irlande Douze Points (you know it, it’s Dustin squawking over a bed of pure noise) is exclusively available for download from the new Nokia Music Store in advance of the full release. You can even get your hands on Dustin's musical masterpiece for free by signing up in advance for free music credit from the Nokia Music Store at Just think; you can relive the magic of May 20th every time your phone rings... Maybe even relive the image of Dustin doing a ode to Bucks Fizz - whipping off a spearkly skort to reveal perfectly groomed giblets... I've... I've said too much...