Ah winter. So much to look forward to. Namely a load of nigh desperate sorts flailing about an ice rink like Bambi on shrooms for most of January.

Nothing official has been launched as yet, the Daily Mail have just seen a load of the aforementioned practicing in ice rinks around the UK in the company of Torvill and Dean.

At the moment, it looks like the line up will comprise of Sadie Frost, Heidi Range, Jennifer Ellison, Kirk off Corrie, who I can't wait to see in sequins, and David off Emmerdale. They're some of the more familiar faces. They're largely not very busy work wise, or star in ITV soaps and can therefore get the time off. There is some more soap offerings, but we'll get to them in a minute.

Some less familiar fodder come in the form of one Rosemary Conley (apparently she's a keen skater and fitness guru. She used to enjoy exercising on TV in the 80s while sporting spandex coupled with some interesting sweatshirts); an ex Spurs goalie (Ian Walker), and an ex Blue Peter presenter (Andy Akinwolere). There's also an alpine skier (Chemmy Alcott), who has pretty much won it if you think about it.

Let's return to the additional soapstar contestants. Hollyoaks' Jorgie Porter will reportedly be shimmying around the ice also, with most of her arse out, as will... Big Mo 'Arris off EastEnders. Won't that be a sight for peeled peepers.

According to the newspaper, Big Mo is quite confident on the ice, and can happily skitter about by herself, but Jennifer Ellison still needs to be "gently guided" around the rink by Christopher Dean. Which he probably enjoys. So she can probably skate fine.