Hmmmm. Charlize must not have got the memo doing the rounds this morning... It's similar to the one that was circulated when Kristen Stewart likened being photographed to being raped.  Technically, you can't really compare something to another thing unless you've experienced both. Particularly when one of the said experiences is possibly the most heinous in existence. 

Speaking with Sky News in London about life constantly under the camera, the 38-year-old actress said: "When you start living in that world, and doing that, you start feeling raped." When the reporter pointed out that perhaps she'd gone too far in her comparison, Charlize responded: "Well, when it comes to your son and your private life. Maybe it's just me... Some people might relish in all that stuff but there are certain things in my life that I think of as very sacred and I am very protective over them."

Charlize has a young child, Jackson, who she adopted in March 2012, and I'd image trying to negotiate trips with him while having your space invaded by strangers flashing cameras in your face, quite possibly taunting you all the while, can be very traumatic. But you can't compare it to rape. Doing so really belittles the horror experienced by those who have gone through it. 

She added: "There is a part of my job that is incredibly lovely - to fly first class to London, to be able to do that with my son and my family and I am definitely not jaded by any of that. My job has made my life incredibly blessed and good and I am very grateful for that, but it does not mean that every aspect of my life all of a sudden becomes fodder for an article... I try to protect against that as much as I can. But when it's constant every single day, every time you leave the house, every time anybody mentions you in public, any time your child gets in a car. That does feel very violating."

See, there you go, the word she was looking for was 'violated' not 'raped.' She has been hanging out with Seth McFarlane a fair bit, so that may explain things.
