Sam Simon, who co-created The Simpsons with Matt Groening, has stepped in to save Benjy the Gay Bull after learning of his plight thanks to a campaign online.

If you’re unfamiliar with the case, it seems that Benjy was destined for the slaughterhouse as a result of the fact that he had failed to impregnate any of the heifers on his farm and preferred the bulls, so a few groups kicked in to action to try and help him out.

The Animal Rights Action Network (ARAN) stepped in to do what they could along with The Gay UK, and they organised a crowdfunding page to help raise the £5000 needed to get him off the farm he was on in Mayo.

Simon has long been interested in animal rights and has given a lot of his fortune to groups and organisations that support those causes, but this latest one has created plenty of headlines. Sadly, Simon is terminally ill, having been diagnosed with colorectal cancer on 2012, and has been giving away much of his fortune ever since.

John Carmody of ARAN stated that Simon got in contact after the campaign went international, saying "We did interviews all over the world and we believe Mr Simon saw one that we did we with Russian TV. He got in contact after that. He has offered to pay the £5,000 which is required to have him re-homed in the Hillside Animal Sanctuary in England". 

It is planned for Benjy to make his trip at some stage in December, but given that he's now a bit of a star, the media will get a chance to meet him before he heads off.

Via Main pic via Scottie/Twitter