D'you know, we're actually as excited as Ariane in the picture there. Seriously, we are. Not only are we welcoming Beaut.ie to the entertainment.ie fold in spectacular style with a new website, but all this coincides with their extremely popular annual awards.

Why so popular, you say? Because its their readers who choose the best beauty products on the market - not a covert cloaked jury, industry heads, or a load of dudes in suits... YOU there, at your desk chowing down on a sannich, YOU get to (nom, nom, nom)inate who wins (apologies). As a result, these awards are the most honest and reliable way to tell what real  women actually rate and what they would recommend to others. Capiche?

So here's the deal. First, they want your nominations. You can choose whatever brand or product your heart desires. You can start nominating here... One thing, make sure you have time to kick up the heels and fill this in in one sitting; you only get one shot at it.

Then, once all yisser nominations are in (May 11th is the closing dating for said nominations), your shortlists are released. The top ten in each category will make it into the shortlists and you'll get to vote again for your all out winners. Then there's going to be a fierce swanky evening of FUN where the results will be revealed.

Did we mention voters also are in with a chance to win an pretty damn amazing goodie bag rammed with prizes worth 200 knicker?! Where else would you be getting it, hah?

CLICK HERE to start nominating. Ariane's already had her say, natch - go join her!

Twitter hashtag #beautieawards2014 - spread the lurve!