The rumours are coming at pace now as Apple plan to announce their new iPhone(s) in September.

Apart from colours, specs and size, the iPhone rumours have now turned to the screen, which is believed to be due a change from the previous model to a very fancy sapphire one, that will involve an increased price tag too. 

Both The Wall Street Journal and Mashable are reporting that the new sapphire screen would replace the Gorilla Glass one that the previous models had, and a huge increase in price on the production end will be pushed down the line to consumers. A Gorilla Glass screen costs about $3, while a sapphire one will set the company back $16. 

That suggests that it will be on the higher end model(s) if they choose to also offer a cheaper version as they did last time around, and they would need to get working soon enough to meet the huge demand, expected to be around 50 million units, again going off figures from the previous launch. 

There is a caveat offered here, however, in that Apple themselves haven't confirmed any of this, and that production hasn't begun on the sapphire screens in their facility in Mesa, Arizona, which would be where the bulk of the work gets done. 

Via Mashable