This comes from Amy's boyfriend's ex-ex-girlfriend, Raven, who came across with the following out of the goodness of her heart. For free (unless Grazia magazine went to the bother of paying her for her story). And with only one reference to the fact that she's a burlesque dancer for hire.

"I've spent pretty much every day with him. I'm surprised we haven't been spotted together before. When Amy and Reg were first pictured together, he called to warn me. He said Amy had grabbed his hand as they left a restaurant, but they were just friends. He told me that he loved me, that he only wanted to be with me, have babies and get married. I believed him. He told me he had stopped talking to Amy. I was still in love with him so I agreed to give our relationship another go... I phoned Reg and asked if he had met with Amy after he'd run away from the pub (when himself and Raven were pictured together last week). He denied it at first, but then finally told me he had. And the next day I saw pictures of them acting like a couple. I've ended things (again). I can't believe anything he says. I really feel for Amy as she's obviously a vulnerable person. He's going to break her heart. My advice to Amy would be that she ended it like I have."

You listening to that, Winehouse? You appear to be a rat magnet. Who knew.