That Paris Hilton plans to go on tour with Good Charlotte next week... That her fellah, Benji Madden, will not be popular amongst his band mates... That Benji Madden will split with her shortly after... That Jamie Spears is joining forces with Kevin Federline -in the restaurant business... That they've bought Casa Cordobes, a Mexican restaurant favoured by K-Fed... That Jamie Spears has been granted permission to a few of Britney's cars... That this is just coincidental... That Britney was seen dining with Mel Gibson at LA's Romanov Restaurant and Lounge... That he's asking her to star in his new movie about Joan of Arc... That Hally Berry finally gave birth to a girl yesterday... That 44-year-old Paula Abdul plans to adopt "in five years" if she's not been impregnated in the interim... That I fear for the future child in question... That Dancing on Ice winner, Suzanne Shaw, has revealed she's had two breakdowns in her lifetime... She told The Sun: "I would binge. I often drank a bottle of vodka a night and at one point I thought I was becoming an alcoholic"... That Nigela Lawson has made it big in America... That the chef, who's made a career out of sighing while licking various food-slathered utensils, has piled on the pounds which has made filming difficult for an American market... That a source said: "The result is a butt like a Budweiser horse... Her director is now doing back flips to not show her below the waist, and deflects viewer vision by focusing on her cleavage/tongue/eyes more than ever"...