ICYMI, last Friday, Katie Hopkins landed in hot water over her inappropriate comments, something she has gained quite a rep for.

Hopkins was hit with a massive court fine in a libel Twitter case after being sued by Jack Monroe who Hopkins claimed in a series of tweets had condoned graffiti on the side of a war memorial.

Since the incident, a spoof fundraising page has been set up under the guise of helping pay the columnist's legal fees.

The Just Giving fundraising page expresses false concern for Hopkins' legal difficulties and the risk they may pose to her "glittering career".

The website raised over £5,000 in less than 24 hours following the court's decision and donations currently amount to £13,950.

The page, organised by the creator of satirical news website The Southend News Network, writes: “We're actually going to give the money to The Trussell Trust - a FANTASTIC cause who help to provide foodbanks all over the UK. Because irony ... REMEMBER TO GIFT AID!!!!”

The Trussell Trust is an anti-poverty campaign group that runs 400 food banks across the UK. An "optimistic" target of £324,000 – the equivalent of Hopkins' estimated legal costs – has been set for the fund.

The organiser of the campaign, who wished to remain anonymous because of concerns for their safety, told The Independent the money would help counteract the "bile coming left right and centre" from Hopkins.

Hopkins has previously been highly critical of food bank users, particularly singling out the Trussell Trust.

According to the Huffington Post, she wrote: “In truth, they are not helping huge numbers of needy people. They are giving free food to dependents who have honed their blagging skills from years on the take.”