'Anti-aGin' is attempting to kill two birds with one delicious stone.

A new gin with "anti-ageing properties" is here to take away any of the guilt factor you feel when it comes to enjoying a bevvy or two with claims that it's "the alcoholic equivalent of a facial".

'Anti-aGin' , created by Warner Leisure Hotels in collaboration with Bompas & Parr for sale in their hotels across the UK for £34.99, has been distilled with pure collagen (the thing that holds skin taught and stops sagging) and is also made with "a mix of antioxidant and skin-healing botanicals including green tea, witch hazel, nettle and gotu kola" which they claim can help reduce sun damage and cellulite.

The gin is also available online but is currently out of stock, presumably as vain gin lovers everywhere stock on the booze and drown their sorrows at the ageing process and the ceaseless marching of time.

Via Huffington Post