'Shōgun', one of the first smash TV hits of 2024, has wowed audiences and critics alike with its performances and production value.

We even claimed it to be "some of the finest television you'll see this year", calling it "Stylish yet accessible, dense yet entertaining."

And now it turns out that some of the visual effects in 'Shōgun' are the work of Dublin-based visual effects company SSVFX, an arm of Ireland’s leading post-production company Screen Scene.

SSVFX was a primary visual effects provider for the Japan-based historical drama but they're no stranger to big-budget productions. Their expertise extends beyond 'Shōgun', having worked on major films like 'The Irishman', Spider-Man: No Way Home', 'Stranger Things', 'The Mandalorian', and 'Game of Thrones'.

And now that the series has ended, SSVFX has released a video breakdown of some of the cutting-edge visual effects that made 'Shōgun' such a captivating watch, including the hundreds of shots that magically bring 1600's CGI Osaka to life. 

Based on the 1975 novel by James Clavell, the show delves into a fictionalized version of the life of William Adams, the first Englishman to set foot in Japan in 1600, and Tokugawa Ieyasu’s ascent to power as the titular shōgun. If you’ve not watched it yet, it’s certainly worth a look and is streaming now on Disney+