Rihanna has big plans for the next decade, and not all of them involve music.

We've been waiting for what seems like forever for the Bajan pop star's 9th album, but she has finally revealed details of the album in a new interview with British Vogue.

Although she wouldn't say when R9 would be released, she said "I don’t want my albums to feel like themes. There are no rules. There’s no format. There’s just good music, and if I feel it, I’m putting it out.”

When asked whether that meant her rumoured direction toward reggae was happening, she said: "Oh no, that is happening. I feel like I have no boundaries. I’ve done everything – I’ve done all the hits, I’ve tried every genre – now I’m just, I’m wide open. I can make anything that I want.”

She then went on to discuss her plans for the next ten years - when she'll be 42 - saying that she intended to have 'three or four' kids and was prepared to do it alone if she didn't meet the right person. "Hell yeah," she said. "I feel like society makes me want to feel like, ‘Oh, you got it wrong…’ They diminish you as a mother if there’s not a dad in your kids’ lives. But the only thing that matters is happiness, that’s the only healthy relationship between a parent and a child. That’s the only thing that can raise a child truly, is love.”