You have read on our pages recently that Sam Smith was announced as the winner of the prestigious BBC Sound of 2014 award and, while this was news to a lot of us, it wasn't to followers of Lily Allen's Twitter feed where she inadvertently tweeted news of the winner a day early.

In fact, BBC Radio 1 Breakfast Show presenter Nick Grimshaw referred to Allen's "big mouth" when making the announcement on Friday morning, saying: "I can reveal the worst kept secret thanks to Lily Allen's big mouth yesterday on Twitter that the recipient of the Sound of 2014 is Sam Smith.

Lily Allen, who is Sam Smith's third cousin, mistook an article predicting Smith as the winner as evidence that the announcement had been made but wasn't aware that she was jumping the gun and, well, pissed the BBC off something fierce.

Even when she's being sincere and heartfelt Lily Allen doesn't stray too far from controversy.