A classically trained vocalist straying beyond Irelands traditional country/folk scene, Fya Fox's influences include Banks, Lana Del Rey and London Grammar.
She recently released her new single 'Body', a track that masterfully blends her pristine vocals with an R&B-infused pop structure.
We caught up with the hotly-tipped pop singer for a chat.
1. What's the music that you listened to growing up, that you still listen to today?
Beyonce and Queen B still rule!
2. In three words, describe the minute before you walk on stage.
'Where’s the bathroom?' I’m a nervous bathroom user!
3. How do you wind down after a gig?
I love chatting to everyone after the gig and I’m very hands on with packing up the gear. If I’ve nowhere to be the next day a drink is always good!
4. What’s the one song you wish you’d written first?
‘Strong’ by London Grammar. I adore this song.
5. What’s the last thing you watched on TV?
Watched Oprah Winfrey’s interview with Meghan & Harry last night.
6. Name one record and one film that everyone should hear/see.
Been listening to the new Arlo Parks album ‘Collapsed In Sunbeams’, it’s sweet. Gladiator is my go-to movie.
7. What's your biggest pet peeve?
People jumping the queue.
8. Who's the most famous person saved to your phone contacts?
My mam is probably the only person who actually calls me, ha! Everything is mostly DMs & email these days.
9. You’re ordering takeaway, what do you get?
If they have homemade chips, then chips with garlic mayo and cheese.
10. Describe your perfect day off.
Get the tunes going early! Go for a run with Holly (my pug), eat some nice food. If the weather is good, BBQ & beers! And just chill with family & friends.
BONUS QUESTION: Recommend a podcast and tell us why we should subscribe to it.
Been listening to ‘Pulling Favours with Mark & Rory’ and also got really into ‘The Joe Rogan Experience’. The guys on Pulling Favours have interviewed lots of musicians/producers in Ireland that I follow and it’s nice to get to know them. Love Joe's podcast because no topic is off-limits! His guests are phenomenal, too.
'Body' is out now.