In fairness to Bjork, for the most part of her career she has shirked off any sexism that she's encountered - but it seems that recent events have pushed her far enough to speak out about it.

The Icelandic musician has begun DJing in recent years - as we ourselves saw at the RBMA in Montreal recently - but a recent DJ set at a festival in Houston, Texas inspired her to write the letter, which she posted on Facebook.

"i am aware of that it is less of a year since i started djing publicly so this is something people are still getting used to and my fans have been incredibly welcoming to me sharing my musical journey and letting me be me," she wrote. "its been so fun and the nerd in me editing together pieces of others peoples songs for weeks , gets to share the different coordinates i feel between some of the most sublime music i know .

"but some media could not get their head around that i was not "performing" and "hiding" behind desks . and my male counterparts not . and i think this is sexism . which at the end of this tumultuous year is something im not going to let slide : because we all deserve maximum changes in this revolutionary energy we are currently in the midst of."

She added: "women in music are allowed to be singer songwriters singing about their boyfriends . if they change the subject matter to atoms , galaxies , activism , nerdy math beat editing or anything else than being performers singing about their loved ones they get criticized : journalists feel there is just something missing ... as if our only lingo is emo ..."

Read the full letter here.