
2022 Drama

Anastasia (13) and Diana (9) are two sisters living in a Latvian orphanage. When they get to know that an American family is ready to adopt them, Diana cannot wait to move to the States, while Anastasia is less excited about the idea of leaving her home and her adult sister Yulia and her baby Lilly. When their estranged biological mother Alla is released from prison, Anastasia does everything to establish a relationship with her, but Alla is more interested in participating in a TV show and starting a new life. Anastasia has to make a crucial decision - to leave her mother and Yulia behind and move to live in America, or to remain home in hopes of living with her mother. Anastasia's decision is made even more difficult when she learns that her sister's fate will also depend on her choice, because the law states that two siblings cannot be split up.

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