
1970 Drama | Horror

Daring for its time, this speculative German movie uses vampirism as a metaphor for European fascism. Somehow rendered impervious to sunlight, members of the vampire aristocracy -- led by an evil Count (Paul Albert Krumm) -- swiftly rise to power and subjugate the peasant populace as slave labor and surplus blood supply. Enter humanity's last hope, an unlikely hero named Jonathan (Jürgen Jung), who launches a crusade against the Count's powerful armies of the undead. Loosely based on Dracula, this film makes a few stylistic nods to F.W. Murnau's Nosferatu, as well as to Hammer's Dracula series, but manages a few original twists of its own. Several nude scenes were added for the film's wider European release.~ Cavett Binion, All Movie Guide