2013 Suspense/Thriller | Comedy | SciFi/Fantasy | HorrorIn a comic twist on the classic suburban horrorflick, a sleepy Irish fishing village is forced to defend itself against blood-sucking sea-monsters using an unlikely weapon – alcohol. The peace of the Erin Island community is shattered by an invasion of giant squid-like creatures known as ‘grabbers’, which start picking off the villagers. It turns out that the only way to avoid being attacked is by being drunk. Ruggedly handsome but washed-up local policeman O’Shea is forced to sober up for the first time in a long time in order to take command of the situation, while uptight, tee-total policewoman Lisa, who has been reluctantly assigned to partner him, must get smashed along with everyone else in order to protect the island from tentacled, fangjawed, barb-tongued amphibians