Star Rating:

2001: A Space Odyssey

Director: Stanley Kubrick

Actors: Daniel Richter, Keir Dullea, Leonard Rossiter, Gary Lockwood, Ziyi Zhang

Release Date: Wednesday 15th May 1968

Running time: 139 minutes

Thirty-three years after it was first released, Stanley Kubrick's masterpiece 2001: A Space Odyssey gets a welcome re-release on a new 70mm print. It's a glorious and timely tribute to Kubrick as not only is 2001: A Space Odyssey a genuinely thought-provoking and moving film, it's also one of the most ambitious in history. A mediation on man's relationship with the universe, the main narrative thread of 2001 concerns the fate of astronauts Dave Bowman (Dullea) and Frank Poole (Gary Lockwood) sent on an exploratory mission. Soon, however, things begin working against them and they have to contend with the apparent rebellion of their computer, HAL.

Masterfully shot, acted and directed, 2001 is, quite simply, one of the most intriguing films in history. Admittedly Kubrick's vision is not perfect - 2001 is a rather lengthy excursion; there's an innate coldness about it; and it certainly raises more questions than it satisfactorily answers. Yet in terms of offering a movie that requires the audience to think, 2001 has few peers.