Steve Carell appeared on the Ellen DeGeneres show yesterday to promote his upcoming movie Despicable Me 2 but instead of coming as himself the actor came as his super villain single dad character from the movie.

Donning a bald cap, pointed nose and mahoosive shoulder pads Carrell joined Ellen on the couch staying in character for the whole show. Gru admitted it was his first time to be on television and that he only came to LA for the Starbucks. He also got to live out his dream of dancing through the audience as he busted a few moves in the aisles to the Bee Gees. You can check out the full footage below.

Despicable Me entertained audiences around the globe in 2010, grossing more than $540 million and becoming the 10th-biggest animated motion picture in U.S. history. Despicable Me 2 opens in cinemas on the 28th June 2013.