Having just viewed a plethora of Seth MacFarlane promo videos, we're now feeling rather confident that he'll steal the show come Oscar Sunday. When we announced that the man behind Family Guy and Ted would step into the shoes worn previously by Billy Crystal (safe to say he's worn the souls out at this stage) and Hugh Jackman, among others, you seemed divided in opinion; some of you vowed to tune out of the Academy Awards while others, Ted fans, thought this was the best thing to happen to an establishment that's been on the go for 85 years now.

He impressed us yesterday at the nominations announcement; he managed to make a rather rushed and dull affair quite funny, only relying on a gag where necessary. No overkill. And if these videos are anything to go by, that trend is set to continue. We especially enjoyed the one entitled 'Seth MacFarlane is ready'.

One thing's for damn sure, he will certainly do better than the abomination that was the Anne Hathaway/James Franco combination. No cross dressing please, Seth.