Scarlett Johansson's new film, Under The Skin, finally gets a full-length trailer but we still have no clue what's going on. The film's director, Jonathan Glazer, previously directed Sexy Beast and is keen to stress the film is anything but a Species remake.

Scarlett Johansson plays an alien who's assumed a human form and is wandering the Scottish highlands and towns. Like Species, Scarlett's character lures unsuspecting men in with her feminine wiles and then kills and eats them. Gulp.

The film's already got a huge amount of buzz following it, with glowing reviews from film festivals in Toronto, Telluride and Venice. With weird visuals, off-putting music and Scarlett Johansson keen to show off her arthouse credentials, Under The Skin could potentially be a sleeper hit. Sleeper hit. Geddit?! Ahem. Taxi.