Tom Hanks has been busy spreading the word about his new movie Captain Phillips (you can read our glowing review come October 10th) around the world. Among a smattering of interviews, we've gathered the following Hanksian updates, all of which have diddly squat to do with the movie, because let's face it, when you're face to face with a star like Tom, you really rather get down to the nitty gritty of money and jury duty.

In an interview with The Daily Mail, Hanks revealed that while movies (and, more pointedly, video games) use all manner of violence to put bums on seats, you won't find him over glamorising it any time soon, his morals are just too high. "We got into another era where it becomes the kind of glamorous it can be to fire guns and blow up buildings and stuff like that... and I understand that to a degree, but even when I was young I wanted to see films that somehow reflected my world or the world as I understand it or an authentic take on how complicated we all are"

He added: "There's no moralisation that goes on, and I simply don't choose to see them."

Elsewhere Hanks revealed that he's in the bid'nis for the love of the craft, not the money. Though we can almost guess your knee-jerk response to that one: "easy for him to say, when he's probably got enough Benjamins to paper his house a hundred times over''. Speaking to The Sun, he said: 'My attitude to money? On a 1980 TV series called 'Bosom Buddies' I made $5,000 (£3,000) a week. If I had made that kind of money for the rest of my life I would have been happy, honestly. But I have been getting ludicrous sums of money for quite some time.

'The best part is not owing money to anyone. Money, though, has never been my driving force. You can live in the biggest and best house in the world but it can be s***t if you are unhappy.'

Lastly, Hanks spoke to the Mail on Sunday about the time he was called up for jury duty and caused quite a bit of mayhem, getting a woman in trouble and charged with a fan for saying hello to the star:

"I don't know how it works in the UK but here you are sitting around and then one day you get a summons in the mail to appear for duty.

"And you end up making some phone calls and you get some things explained to you and you can ask to be excused ... but you cannot lie and you have to have very specific reasons why you need to be excused. And if you don't have them ... then what you really need to is show up.

"And it just so happens that other than cancelling some really important interviews for the worldwide media, I had no reason not to show up for jury duty - so down I went."

'Somebody was eating lunch and said to me, 'Hello, thanks for coming down, most people try to get out of jury duty'.

'And I said, 'I know, but I'm just doing my civic duty'. But nobody is supposed to talk to the jury, I believe. It was a very informal, seven-second interchange during lunch.

'But justice was either served or the entire judicial system was discovered to have a fault in it because of where I chose to eat my lunch that day. But you know, I did my duty.'