An eagle eyed fan has spotted what could be a clue in the new trailer for 'The Batman' which connects it to 2019's 'Joker'.
The new trailer for 'The Batman' dropped last weekend along with a bunch of other DC movie sneak peeks.
What wasn't among the updates and projects announced though, was a sequel to 'Joker'.
'Joker' was the first R-rated movie to ever gross over $1 billion at the box office.
Add to that the fact that Joaquin Phoenix won the Best Actor Oscar for his performance in the titular role, and it's no wonder fans have been clamoring for a follow-up.
While there have been reports that a sequel is being planned, and that its writer-director Todd Phillips is working on a script, word on any continuation of Joker's story has gotten awfully quiet of late.
There's also been conflicting reports as to whether 'The Batman', starring Robert Pattinson, has any links with it.
Over on Reddit though, a fan has spotted what could be a link between the two movies.
u/RedDevilDK86 writes: "I was watching the new trailer for the batman and I realized that when we see the riddler he's wearing clothes that says "arkham state hospital" instead of the classic "arkham asylum" The only movie so far to have this name for the asylum is joker 2019."

It's a vague enough connection, admittedly.
Still, if 'The Batman' earns those big bucks like 'Joker', no doubt the DCEU will find a way to bring the adversaries head to head.