Well now that's just mean. Imagine being crowned as Best Director at the Palm Springs awards one night, then hecked as a 'garbage man' when you pick up a similar gong the next night? Well that's what's happened to poor Steve McQueen, the man behind 12 Years a Slave, Shame, Hunger and more.

As per Variety, while at the New York Critics Circle awards last night, Steve McQueen was heckled to devastating effect by a well known (and controversial) American critic who labelled the director "an embarrassing doorman and garbage man".


The critic is said to go by the name of Armond White and edits a publication called CityArts and what's more, he's a former host of these coveted awards. While McQueen rose to accept his Best Director award, White shouted: "You're an embarrassing doorman and garbage man. F*ck you. Kiss my ass."

Word on the street says White quite enjoys going against the grain so it would appear that he's hating on McQueen purely because of his recent success; the worst type of critic.

Sounds to me like such abuse should not be tolerated at a ceremony like this and if he's going to go shooting his mouth of (this isn't the first time) he shouldn't be invited. Who does he think he is?