Sam Raimi is such a gent. I just met him on Friday to talk all things Oz The Great and Powerful (the video interview will be live for your viewing pleasure shortly) and you'd never know from meeting him that he'd have such an innate understanding of the most terrifying kinds of horror films imaginable; he's such a soft spoken sweetheart!  What we also spoke about, bar Oz, was his excitement surrounding the forthcoming Evil Dead remake. He promised me it's going to be truly freakin' terrifying, which of course to me translates as a warning to avoid it all costs should I hope to sleep a full night through ever again.

Anyhoo, here's what he's been saying elsewhere about the Evil Dead 4 rumours.

"I would love to make Evil Dead 4," revealed Raimi at the Oz press conference last week. "My brother and I plan to work on the script this summer." Then when Bleeding Cool asked him to elaborate in an interview later on, he said: "I would like to work on the script over the summer... That much is true... But the reason to come back and do it again is only that they're making me, those fans... I am thinking about it, but a crowd goes 'Come on Sam, do it!' so I said 'OK, I guess I was talking to my brother about it'. But I feel like I was pushed into saying that, a little bit."

Fans of horror, excited for some more Deadite action?