Ridley Scott hinted at the plot lines of the potential film sequels to Prometheus and Blade Runner.

Prometheus sequel is to pick up where the first film left off with Dr. Emma Shaw and Michael Fassbender's severed head as she sets off in the search of the Engineers. Scott said about the film 'Prometheus evolved into a whole other universe, You've got [Elizabeth Shaw] with the head in a bag that functions and has an IQ of 350. It can explain to her how to put the head back on the body and she's gonna think about that long and hard because, once the head is back on his body, he's dangerous. They're going off to paradise but it could be the most savage, horrible place. Who are the Engineers?'

Scott went onto talk about Blade Runner his 1982 thriller and confrimed that a follo up is indeed going to happen but is quite sketchy on if Harrison ford will return. 'It is happening,' With Harrison Ford? I don't know yet. Is he too old? Well, he was a Nexus-6 so we don't know how long he can live.'

Looks like sequels for both films are in the pipeline but it will remain to be seen when they will be released, Scott is currently working on The Counselor starring Michael Fassbender, Brad Pitt and Cameron Diaz.