Michael Bay has confirmed that he'll be directing a fourth Transformers film to MTV news.

"I think we really are going to do a reboot there. [But] what that's going to be, we don't even know yet… We've got to get a story first. It's a hybrid because there's still continuity going on, and there will be a lot of new cast. Whether there's anybody from the first cast, we don't even know yet. But it's going to be a whole new story. But the characters that would certainly come along would be Optimus and Bumblebee, I'm sure." That series made far too much money for studio Paramount to just leave it; but Bay returning is extremely curious. Staying on board for what is essentially a reboot to a series he is the tonal author for? Don't really get it. He is scheduled to shoot his low budget (for him) action flick, Pain and Gain, starring Mark Wahlberg and Dwayne Johnson next - Paramount quite probably cut a deal to fund that if he came back for T4. Although, given the recent box office for those two actors, it would be a no brainer to pair them. 

Listen Bay has pretty obvious limitations as a director. But he's also a slick handler of action, and if he moves back to his Bad Boys roots a little with Pain and Gain, then it could be a lot of fun. As for Transformers 4, I could give less of a shit.