Let's all just take a moment to remember how damn funny 'Team America: World Police' was. Why there has never been a sequel we have no idea.

The 2005 satirical action film by South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone was basically just about a load of puppets going to war against North Korea's former dictactor Kim Jong-il (herro), with every movie cliche in the book poked fun at (even Rocky had a montage).

One thing the movie did leave us all with though is a complete inability to hear Matt Damon's name without then repeating it like this:

The actor was asked recently in a Reddit AMA what he thought about his 'appearance' in the movie, and it seems he was a bit confused by it.

"I was always kind of bewildered by Team America, I think because it’s hard for us to understand what our images are in public, I think we’re not good judges of that, and when I saw myself on screen just only able to say my own name and not really that well, I kind of wondered “Wow, is that how people perceive me?"

"At that point I just kind of was like, I’m a screenwriter and an actor, and like really? I can barely say my own name? So I was always bewildered by that, and I never talked to Trey and Matt about that. And Incidentally, I believe those two are geniuses, and I don’t use that word lightly. I think they are absolute geniuses, and what they’ve done is awesome and I’m a big fan of theirs, but I never quite understood that one. But I will say this. Those of us who were parodied in that video were parodied because we were against the Iraq war, and we went on the record against that war, and so history is on my side not theirs." 

He was a lot more upbeat about the cameo a couple years ago however when he said the following.

"I thought it was brilliant! I mean, I never understood it, and then I heard an interview with them and they said the puppet came in looking kind of mentally deficient and they didn’t have time to change it, so they just made me someone who could really only say his own name. All the comedy they’re doing is really next-level stuff. Also, I liked being included as a person who was against the Iraq war."
