Liam Neeson has starred in numerous crime thrillers in the last few years and is possibly about to add another to his belt with the crime thriller The All Nighter.

Neeson is currently in talks to star as an ageing hit man, who must save his estranged wife and son from his former boss resulting in him going on the run from the mob and authorities with his son, and it all happens in the one night. The plot does bear some similarities to the Taken movies but this time with Neeson on the wrong side of the law. However it will probably just involve him kicking lots of ass and making some threatening phone calls.

The film has been in development for over a year now and with no director on board it might be awhile before the movie hits our screens. In the meantime Neeson is working on the Third Peron with Crash director Paul Haggis, airplane thriller Non Stop and has also recently added his name to the animated movie Lego:Piece of Resistance.