Pixar's Cars 2 appears that it may be suffering from a few production hiccups. The first Cars was a massive commercial success raking in almost $500million in worldwide ticket sales so a sequel was nigh on inevitable, despite the film being perhaps the least popular film in Pixar's recent history amongst some of the more mature filmgoers who found the film a bit too simple and childlike when compared to other offerings like The Incredibles. Director Brad Lewis has been forced to call in for reinforcements in the production process for Cars 2 and has called on none other than the now legendary animator (and head of Pixar) John Lasseter. It is unclear what the issues that Lasseter has been called in to remedy are but you couldn't really ask for any better assistance than from the Godfather of computer animation himself. Lasseter will get a co-director credit on the project, indicating that he has provided a substantial amount of work to the project. Good news, we suppose. Maybe everyone's time would be better spent on an original concept instead of a sequel to one of Pixar's weaker films. Not for us to say, I guess.