It's been recently reported that JJ Abrams will NOT be shooting his Star Wars movie on digital like George Lucas had done in the prequel trilogy. Instead, he's opted for the traditional approach and is using film instead. Now, it's look he's going to be using IMAX for some scenes as well. Considering he used it - quickly effectively, we might add - in Star Trek Into Darkness, this seems like a good choice.

CEO of IMAX, Richard Gelford, has said that he's had talks with Abrams about using the cameras. IMAX is in big demand at the moment. Christopher Nolan's sci-fi epic Interstellar will definitely have IMAX scenes as will Michael Bay's Transformers 4. What do we think about Abrams using IMAX? Well, he's working with what he knows. Some of the IMAX scenes from Into Darkness were pretty incredible so we can imagine more of the same.

It's all about how he handles the story and the casting. He's got a good eye for putting the right actors in the right roles - just look at Chris Pine as Captain Kirk or Philip Seymour Hoffman in Mission: Impossible 3. They were all perfect in their roles and that's down to good casting on Abrams' part.