Jeremy Renner has continually addressed the issue of Matt Damon on his current press tour for The Bourne Legacy - which I'm sure he expected. Most recently on Jimmy Kimmel (who was naturally delighted with the lack of Damon) and Flicks and Bits.

He spewed, "There was so much developed in the three prior movies, as far as the tone and pace, the action, the authenticity… there were so many things I loved about the series," he said "Then to see what Tony Gilroy did with the new material and with this new character, it really opened up the world. For me, it was really exciting." He continued: "At first I was hesitant, I wasn't quite sure how they would do it. But once I saw how clever it was I just jumped at the chance. It was a lot for me to play with. And what Matt Damon did, and what the previous directors have done, that was great." He also has words for the hardcore fans who swear by the series, "For those who love the franchise, I'm not replacing Matt, nor would I want to. It would never have been interesting if I was taking over and playing the same character. Matt is always the face of Jason Bourne and always should be."

The Bourne Legacy is in Irish cinemas on August 17th.