We used to think Smelly Cat was all the rage, but Grumpy Cat has truly stolen the limelight, and now looks set to storm the silver screen in her own movie.

Tardar Sauce (that's her real name by the by) became the world's most famous feline when pictures of her delightfully dour facial expressions went viral on Reddit, and she's got almost one million likes on her official Facebook page to date. As if that wasn't enough, she put Gangnam Style, the Harlem Shake and goats yelling like humans to shame at the 2013 Webby Awards last week, when she picked up Meme of the Year.

This pretty kitty is just over a year old, and quite friendly apparently. Her owner Tabitha revealed that her rather glum little facial expression is actually involuntary, and the result of feline dwarfism.

As per Deadline, Todd Garner and Sean Robins of Broken Roads would like to work to develop the film, which would actually attempt to give Tardar Sauce a voice. Think Garfield, but better. Hopefully. *gulp*