Well Bella's finally a vampire. Isn't it romantic that she gave up her whole life, her family, her future, the gift of growing old, food, sleep, using the toilet, all for the love of her boyfriend? Bit much? Who am I kidding; I'd probably do that for Robert Pattinson too.

As the final installment of the vampire franchise that took the world by storm approaches, the clips and sneak peaks are now coming thick and fast. In this one, K-Stew's Bella comes to grips with her new super-human body. Her new veggie vampire family educate her in how to behave as much like a human as possible, so as to go undetected; blink every now and then, slouch in your chair and breath every once in a while.

What I'm wondering, though, is if they've no need to eat or drink, where do the liquids they drink (again, to avoid questioning) go? Do they pee? Do they even have bladders? I won't ask the same question of the food they fake-eat too. There's lots more bodily function related questions that come to mind, sadly none of them are going to compliment your lunch so alas I cannot ask.

Enjoy the clip, Breaking Dawn Part 2 hits Irish cinemas on November 16th. We'll have an interview with Kellan Lutz and Nikki Reed live on site tomorrow so stay tuned!

And since we haven't asked this in a while, let's take a recap of who you're preferring these days; Edward or Jacob? Vote in our poll.